Hitler and Nazi Germany - Weekly Units


0. Orientation Week

Forum Discussion Topic: Why are the Nazis so popular with film makers, television and documentary producers etc?

1.Kampfzeit: The Rise to Power, 1918 - 1933

Hitler's life until world war one
Defeat and Revolution in Germany 1918 - 1923
The Munich Putsch
The wilderness years 1923 - 29
Creating the 'fuhrer'
How did the Nazis benefit from the depression?
Manoeuvred into power?

Forum Discussion: Without the First World War there could have been no National Socialism?

2.Volksgemeinschaft: Germany under the Nazis, 1933 - 1939

Establishing the dictatorship
'The Night of the Long Knives'
Creating the terror state
The persecution of the Jews.
Economic miracles
Nuremburg rallies
Nazis and women
Nazis and young people
Art and architecture
Hitler worship
'Working towards the Fuhrer'
The T4 Project.

Forum Discussion: Why was the concept of 'Volksgemeinschaft' (the People's Community) so important to the Nazis?

3.Deutschland Erwache! The road to WW2, 1919 - 1939

Germany and the Treaty of Versailles
Entry into the Rhineland
Plans for war
Hitler and Mussolini
Intervention in Spain
Successes - Austria and the Sudetenland
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
The wrong war?

Forum Discussion: Was the policy of appeasement conditioned by the experience of the First World War?

4.Vernichtungskrieg! A different sort of war, 1939 - 1945

Defeat of Poland
Western offensive 1940
Nazi rule in Poland
The invasion of the Soviet Union
The 'war of annihilation'
Nazi dreams for the east - Generalplan Ost
Hitler's foreign legions - non-German volunteers for the Waffen-SS
Wartime resistance to Hitler - the July 1944 bomb plot
Gotterdammerung - why did Germany fight on to the bitter end?

Forum Discussion: Why did do many European countries and individuals from the occupied territories fight alongside Nazi Germany in the Soviet Union.

5.Endlösung: The Final Solution of the Jewish Question

Persecution in the 1930s - a recap
Einsatzgruppen and ghettos in Poland
June 1941 - expanding the killing
The Wansee Conference
When was the decision made?
Development of Auschwitz-Birkenau
Hungary 1944.
What did the allies know about the Holocaust?
Other Holocausts - Sinti, Roma, Soviet prisoners etc
Justice on the perpetrators?
Holocaust denial

Forum Discussion: Why was the Holocaust pursued with such ruthlessness when it became clear that Germany was losing the war?

6.    What do you do next?

April 2024

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